Wednesday, October 29, 2008

#5 The Cadolphin

The cadolphin is a mix between a cat and a dolphin. Cats hate water and dolphins need to live in water. For these reasons, the cadolphin has numerous internal conflicts. It is forced to live in the water but stays above for short pieces of time. The cadolphin has webbed paws and a tail that acted as a tail fin. The majority of his body was slippery like a dolphin with polka dots of fur. The cadolphin loves tuna and eats it all the time. Cats alone love to eat tuna, but it's in short supply without the help of a human. There is an abundance of tuna underwater and cadolphins are constantly satisfied. Cadolphins have interesting pattern behaviors. They are shy from visitors, but they love to show off. This creates yet another internal conflict. Cadolphins are interesting creatures and research is still being done as to their reproduction efficiency.

1 comment:

Semper Fi Kind of Love said...

Hmm...interesting monster. I would love to have it as a pet but I don't have an ocean OR a swimming pool. I think I would have to get it psycoanalyzed however. Those internal conflicts could cause some severe personality disorder. It would be the most awesome creature to own. Showing it off to your guests would be awesome. Not only would you have a cat but you have a dolphin! I can't think of anything else I'd rather own...well maybe. It's a strong contrast between that and the deadly monster on my blog. I'll take it.