Thursday, January 8, 2009

#10 Add Dan in Real Life to Your Life

In an era packed with special effects and out-of-this-world plots, the authenticity of Dan in Real Life is what makes it so enjoyable. Dan (played by comedian Steve Carell), a widower with three daughters, falls in love with a woman at a bookstore during a family reunion. Unfortunately for Dan, this woman turns out to be his brother’s girlfriend, Marie. As the result of two weeks of bonding prior to filming, the cast exerts the feel of a real family. They fight, they have concerns, and they enjoy the presence of one another. Dan quarrels with his daughters: Cara is dying to drive; Jane has an over-developed “ability” to love; Lilly tries to hang on to the memories of her mother and life as a complete family. Trying to fall out of love is more difficult than expected for Dan and Marie while spending hours together every day. Steve Carell shows his acting versatility in Dan in Real Life, taking a break from his outrageous characters to play a stereotypical father. Along with a talented cast, the music fits flawlessly. Sondre Lerche created the majority of it and not until he had spent a fair amount of time with the cast. There are customized lyrics and the music has a way of adding to dialogue instead of distracting from it, leaving room for each line. Dan in Real Life connects with every viewer in some way. A five out of five star flick for families, lovers, young and old alike.

Friday, December 19, 2008

#9 Strangerrr

A watch is on his wrist. Harold brushes his teeth with a toothbrush. He ties a knot in his tie. He has a brush for his coat. He carries a briefcase and holds an apple in his mouth. He runs to the bus stop. He holds his cup of coffee. There are a specific number of dishes in his kitchen.

Harold turns off the alarm on his clock. He brushes his teeth: first side to side, then up and down. He ties his necktie in a single knot, then brushes his jacket off. He runs to the bus, but only steps on the white of the crosswalk. He exchanges a few silent words with a coworker. During lunch, he looks over some brochures. On his walk home, he still on steps on the white. He takes his watch off before falling asleep.

Monday, December 1, 2008

#8 Animals

Long necks stretch toward me
A black, slimy tongue slurps food
Left are only crumbs

Galloping with grace
Hooves become clotted with dirt
She clings to his mane

Crawling up the wall
Descending from silky string
Weaving a white web

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

#7 Skydiving Grandpas

On June 11th is the most anticipated holiday of the year. It's called Health Day. Every June 11th, from 12am to 11:59pm, everyone has flawless health. Injuries are temporarily healed. Heart attacks are postponed. Cancer patients experience a day with no restrictions. Traditions mean doing absolutely crazy activities. Nursing homes take a fieldtrip to go skydiving. Grandparents and their grandchildren play nightgames together. The whole thing is like Make-A-Wish times three. Instead of concerning the health of patients and money to provide the wishes they desire, there will be no money restraints. Health Day originated in 1991 when a doctor found a way to send universal health through satellites. Unfortunately, this health care only lasts for 24 hours and it takes a full year to generate enough power so we savor the day. People make plans and reservations to do daring things a year in a half. Health Day is meant to give people the last chance to do that one crazy thing and spend just a little more time with family and friends.

Monday, November 10, 2008

#6 Enough of That!

An intricately decorated, vanilla frosted, chocolate cake sits in front of you. The candles are flickering and you prepare to wish for those Legos or that Barbie you've been dying for. Your friends surround the table in anticipation of their slice of the cake. One brave voice leads the others in unison. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy bir-" and a squeal of twenty seperate pitches burst through the air and the flames waver in front of you. The song is finished, uncertain of where it began and you don't even remember what you meant to wish for so you switch your wish. You wish that singing off-key was illegal. That's the law I would love to put into effect. The reason this should be a law is that most people who sing poorly don't even realize it. They constantly embarrass themselves without knowledge of it and call attention to the unattractive quality. Those of us who are able to sing well and know the difference between a B flat and a D sharp are the ones who realize it. We are also constantly annoyed by it. Just one voice can throw off an entire group of singers. This tends to anger the on-key singers of the group. Singing off key can cause pain in other people and that makes it worthy of being a law. The word would be a happier place if everyone could hit the right notes, especially in the singing of joyful tune such as Happy Birthday.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

#5 The Cadolphin

The cadolphin is a mix between a cat and a dolphin. Cats hate water and dolphins need to live in water. For these reasons, the cadolphin has numerous internal conflicts. It is forced to live in the water but stays above for short pieces of time. The cadolphin has webbed paws and a tail that acted as a tail fin. The majority of his body was slippery like a dolphin with polka dots of fur. The cadolphin loves tuna and eats it all the time. Cats alone love to eat tuna, but it's in short supply without the help of a human. There is an abundance of tuna underwater and cadolphins are constantly satisfied. Cadolphins have interesting pattern behaviors. They are shy from visitors, but they love to show off. This creates yet another internal conflict. Cadolphins are interesting creatures and research is still being done as to their reproduction efficiency.

Friday, October 24, 2008

#4 Gotta have it!!

Created by Whatchamacallit Tissues, the Snot Hat is an absolute necessity. With a constant supply of tissues resting on your scalp, it is excellent for cold season. Are you tired of carrying a messy handkerchief or a large box of tissues? Who wants to find the nearest bathroom to find thin, useless tissue paper? YOU decide which brand you like blowing your nose with the best. Do you like heavy duty tissue? Don't worry! The Snot Hat comes with an extender to suit even the biggest rolls. With a padded chin strap and crown, it is the most comfortable fit on the market. It comes in a variety of colors to fit every sweater you could possibly own. Once you try a Snot Hat on, you'll never go back to old, outdated methods. Buy your own today! We guarantee, you'll never have a runny nose again!!