So I was looking at this fansite of me, and there's only one thing I can say about it. That's hot. I'm totally kidding because there's so much to say about it...because it's all about everything I do. It has a ton of pictures of me so I can look at how good I look. There are advertisements for things that people totally don't need but they can make them hotter so...whatever. They also have the clothes that I designed that look super good on me because I weigh like 90 pounds. They might not look good on you so you might want to lose like 60 pounds before you try any of them. So this site also has tons of information about me which makes it really easy for people to stalk me but that's all right because I know they're true fans at heart. Oh and you guys should also check me out on TV. I have my own TV show where I talk about me and I look hot in it. If you saw me when I did that one show about doing nasty jobs that's awesome. I look even hotter now because I got a nose job that cost like $600,000. I'm trying to convince the people who made this site to like set up a webcam for me so people can see me every second of every day of my life. I totally think people would watch it like all the time. I know I would if I wasn't busy living. They need more pictures of my super cute dog that I bring everywhere. Other than that, this site is hot. Check it out bitches.
Paris- you need to wake up and spell the tanning lotion girlfriend because you are delusional. All you care about is your hair and your nails and your stupid little dog. Didn't you lose that little rat anyway? Probably.. let's just say you aren't the brightest prada pump in the shoe store. No one even watches your stupid TV shoes. Who wants to be Paris's new BFF?? Come on! That clearly means who wants to be Paris's new buttsucking fartface! I don't believe you when you say that your fans love you. You are the laughing stock of any issue of Us Weekly and you suck. I have one thing to say to you. That's hot... NOT!!!
I like how you took Paris's whole attitude and put it in your work. She is so ditzy and i think you really show it. I also like how you talked about her new tv show. "I have my own TV show where I talk about me and I look hot in it." I thought that sentence was hilarious. It just shows that she has a high self esteem.
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